How to use inner-peace techniques to solve business problems
I've written extensively about creating inner-peace in our lives using meditation. Today, I want to share with you some inner-peace techniques that you can use in your business in order to nurture and grow it. You can extrapolate these ideas for applying it to an environment where you are employed as well. These tips can help you more easily navigate your business environment.
Building Your Sense Of Self-Worth Using SMST
As working professionals, parents and online entrepreneurs with a vision, we all have a never-ending list of to-dos and projects. Running a business or a project, naturally means coordinating and managing multiple moving parts. At the same time, bringing a project to its completion is essential for feeling a sense of progress and a sense of accomplishment about our work which feeds into our sense of self-worth.
What is Inner-strength and how do we cultivate it?
Resilience, perseverance and tenacity - what all these words have in common is that they give me a sense of deep inner-strength. It’s the power one has to deal with difficult situations... It’s the perceived strength one must have to overcome life’s challenges. We sure do need that inner-strength in today's modern life, don't we?
Reflection Quote 004 : Goethe on Focus and what matters most
This eloquent quote puts it succinctly. That which is most important to you cannot be left at the mercy of all that which matters least. In the hustle-bustle of life, we find ourselves putting out fires or just taking care of daily maintenance of our lives so we can function. Do this process to get to the core of what matters most.
Why we need to think of expectations differently
I grew up around the notion of "expectation". Expectation followed me around no matter where I went and what I did. I was expected to do good in school. Cross that. I was expected to do great in school. I was expected to excel at work and career. I was expected to be a good, kind person. I was expected to be contributing member of society...
Reflection Quote 003: Tchaikovsky and Showing Up Daily For Creative Muse
Over and over again, I learn from accomplished writers, musicians and creatives that we must show up every day to create in hopes for the muse to inspire us rather than wait for the muse to show and then begin our creative work.
New In-Person Meditation Sessions in Western North Carolina
I am super delighted to announce that we will be holding live in-person meditation sessions in Boone, North Carolina starting in Feb 2018! Inner-Peace: Meditation for a Healthy Mind is a monthly series...
Being Kind To Yourself
Learning to be kind to ourselves is a practice. Here is one way to be more kind to ourselves.
Reflection Quote 002: Dreams are the seedlings of realities - James Allen
What a loaded quote we have this week, from the British author James Allen. It is packed with tons of deep inspirational thought and in the next few paragraphs, I hope to unlock some key messages so that you can practically apply the wisdom into your life meaningfully...
Reflection Quote 001: Distraction and Misery - Blaise Pascal
What deep truth is entailed in this quote from Blaise Pascal! As soon as I read these words, it struck a deep chord in me. Read my reflection here with two suggestions to heal distraction.
On being present with our own big dreams
Why is it that we get distracted? Not when we don't know what we want in our life but precisely when we get clarity and understanding of our life's mission, it seems that distraction rears it head. I share with you some things you can do to reduce distraction and get really focused on accomplishing your goals and intentions.
New Creative Visualization Series Coming Next Year 2018!
I am thrilled to announce that starting in January 0f 2018, we will be releasing ...
5 Life lessons that bring peace of mind
In recent months, I've had many realizations after going through periods of doubt, sadness, frustration and impatience - mostly around work. But only last week have I begun writing things down as part of my daily journaling practice.
The results of this daily writing have been incredible. Not only have I begun feeling greater ease within myself, I am also finding clarity about larger life principles that feed into that sense of ease and inner-peace. And I'd like to share these with you so that you too can benefit from contemplating these ideas and insights. Hopefully, they bring you inner-peace and a calm mind as a result.
My cat didn't come home last night.
How my kitten's absence made me realize my own suffering, the cause of my suffering, the end of my suffering and the path leading to its end.
Thank you to all the kind words you have said to me and Reflection Pond!
I am grateful for your kind words and testimonials! Here are some of what readers are saying about reflectionpond...
Embrace introspection as way to deepen your inner-peace and happiness
I am all about training our mind to become an ally in our life because a trained, calm mind is a powerful thing. This may be the single most important skill that I have been introduced to in my life. And this skill is best refined through a meditation practice. But there's also something else for us.
Do You Know Your Personal Velocity?
Do you know what your personal velocity is?
Your personal velocity — your pace of how you do things, how you live your life that feels just right for you?
Success Strategy: Just Show Up
What if despite all that you bring to the table, your original plan does not pan out?
Recently, I had such an experience where I had to reframe what success meant to me. As someone who has ever embarked on completing a project, you may resonate with my story. I put together a short video in which I share a recent "failure" that actually became a success as soon as I reframed it and then, amazingly, this actually led to the desired result I was originally going for. And all it took was: Showing up for the day.
How to Break Karmic Patterns: The Law of Karma
The word Karma has sometimes been understood in a way that scares a lot of people. Does Karma mean I will be punished for my "wrong" actions? I myself have thought: Do I have to think of all the consequences of my actions all the time so I don't experience the "wrath of Karma"?
Growing up in India, I heard the word Karma...