A New Chapter Begins: Reflection Pond is now Queen of Visualization
Many of you have followed my journey with Reflection Pond. Some as far back as 2010 when I first launched reflectionpond.com.
Now, as of July 2022, reflectionpond.com is queenofvisualization.com.
Below is a bit of the backstory of how this change has come to be.
Uplifting Audiobooks: A Collection
Audiobooks that Sophia and Cristof have volunteered to record for other authors.
New In-Person Meditation Sessions in Western North Carolina
I am super delighted to announce that we will be holding live in-person meditation sessions in Boone, North Carolina starting in Feb 2018! Inner-Peace: Meditation for a Healthy Mind is a monthly series...
New Creative Visualization Series Coming Next Year 2018!
I am thrilled to announce that starting in January 0f 2018, we will be releasing ...