How to Live With Ease: The Law of Least Effort
What would your life look like if it was filled with ease?
Sometimes we have not even taken a moment to reflect on this. So I invite you to think for your life: what would it mean to be in flow, to live with ease? You will amazed at how just reflecting on this question clears up the muddy waters of our lives.
Reach Any Heights: The Law of Intention & Desire
Here is a question for you to think of. Answer it quickly without thinking much or censoring because whatever comes as a response is fine.
What is it that you really want in your life?
3 Lessons From Deepak Chopra: On Detachment
What I love about this law is that it is all about making things happen by getting out of our way and letting the Universe conspire events in our favor. It doesn't mean not taking action and leaving it up to the Universe, it means being flexible not stubborn and not clinging to our idea of how it should all turn out. When we do that, our intentions become a reality.
3 Lessons from Deepak Chopra: On Life Purpose and The Law of Dharma
One of the things that I have struggled with for a long time in my life was the question of life purpose.
What am I here to do?
What is my purpose?
What was I meant to create during this life time?
How To Turn An Obstacle Into A Meaningful Opportunity
When you are faced with an obstacle or a challenge in life, you can find an opportunity in it and come out of the challenge even stronger. In this video, I share with three steps you can take to make this happen.
A secret that will help you shift from resisting to accepting
With Cristof Ensslin
My husband, Cristof Ensslin is a power house of wisdom and inspiration and a big part of my journey from a downward cycle to a rich, happy, uplifting life. I am amazed how he handles things in his life with grace and compassion. So I asked him how he deals with some of the challenging moments, especially that of loss. Listen to this video in which he shares the power of allowing the emotion: truly a big key to moving through the challenge.
How to Keep Your Cool in the Face of Challenges
With Asmita Barua and Voahirana Rakotonaivo
I write and speak in my blogs and videos about ways we can live a happier life. Then there are moments when things get really tough and it becomes a challenge to stay on our positive track. Recently, I had the chance to speak with two of my awesome friends who are also my former colleagues from the time I worked at the United Nations. And I asked them how do they keep cool during challenging times. This is what they had to say:
How To Use Gratitude For Manifestation: 4 Step Gratitude Manifestation Process
What one thing do you absolutely want to create or experience in 2015?
What if there was a simple yet effective process that you can use to create all that you want? Yes, there is.
The Focusing Question: How to transform your overflowing schedule
As the year comes to a close, I look back at all the projects and activities I have undertaken. I am filled with satisfaction for the personal and business goals that I have worked towards. But I also have this feeling that as Fall rolled in, things got a little out of hand and I was drowning in work and commitments.
Did you have that experience?
Listening to Your Inner Voice with Stillness
Last month, Renée Konan, an entrepreneur and also a former colleague during my time at the United Nations in New York, shared with some wisdom nuggets. I called her up on skype and recorded our conversation which is filled with laughs and giggles. She speaks with so much ease and confidence about listening to our inner wisdom and makes it simple to do.
How I Dealt With Someone's Words That Were Hurtful
You consider yourself a positive person, generally upbeat about life. You focus on your work, are kind to people and work towards making a contribution to this world. But then, someone says something that just throws you off your positive-horse, so to speak.
Does this happen to you? I just experienced this.
How To Be Content, Right Now?
You know, I have been looking and searching for the last six years for specific answers to questions that so many of us face. And I am fortunate that teachers have come into my life at exactly the right time, teaching me just what I needed to know in that moment.
When I do learn something I want to begin implementing it right away and sharing it right away.
And I made a video for you that I think will be very useful if you are thinking about questions around contentment.
How to Create Happiness Every Day
Even though happiness seems like a mystery at times to some of us, we can create happiness every day. Read on!
Happiness is a personal responsibility just as a clean home or a healthy meal is. To keep our kitchen sink clean what needs to happen? We need to take the scrubber and wash the dishes and clean the sink afterwards. Then, to continue to have it this way, we need to do it everyday. Now we have a nice, tidy kitchen sink on a daily basis.
The Space Behind Things
It seems like so many of us are on the journey of simplifying our lives - doing more of what we love and less of the unimportant, distracting activities.
We want to have the things that we love or need. We want to spend more time doing meaningful activities with our loved ones. We want to eat more of green, organic, nourishing foods. We want to go out in nature and do fun exercises.
We want real connection with the people in our lives. We want to live a life that means something, at least to us. We want to find who we truly are and experience joy and peace each day.
We want space in our lives.
Yet, what do we do?
Happiness Begins Now By Doing What You Love
Listen up. Today you are on assignment. Think of three things that make you happy. Go do that.
Now, this instruction sounds simple and easy, and in essence it is. But because some of us are so disconnected with our true selves, we find it difficult to follow this very simple instruction. Another reason is that we think ‘the thing’ that makes me happy has to be big, huge. That it is connected to our career or some grand, artistic self-expression. No. It can be as simple as making a cup of tea and sitting in a hammock. Or going for a stroll in the park or the woods. Or playing with dogs or cats or any pets. If this is what makes you happy, go do it. Some other hurdles are: the thoughts that say, “I need to be productive. I need to do something to be useful. I need to do all those projects, first.” These thoughts keep you away from your true joy. Your true happiness. And you postpone and you postpone and it never happens. Of course, your inner-child continues to be deprived. And eventually, if affects your life in ways that will finally snap you into doing what makes you happy.
Gratitude Leads to Spiritual Compassion
Gratitude. Gratitude is a disguise. It is you showing the Universe that you recognize the beauty, the oneness of it all. You show gratitude to your friends, your family, you show gratitude to the Universe. The flow of life is much much more expansive than a single life-form, yet without each life-form it is far from whole. Each one is a vital, essential part; the Universe works through each with similar compassion.
Yes, the Universe is compassionate. Not in the human sense. In a spiritual sense. Spiritual compassion is about un-conditionality in the absolute sense. Spiritual compassion is not just for living things but also for everything else that exists. For processes and for principles and for characteristics. It is boundless. It sees through illusion.