Reflection Quote 005 : Emerson on being yourself
Emerson's work is for me truly inspirational because here you have an American author born more than 200 hundred years ago in Boston who through his writings is sending us a message that revolves around trusting our intuition, being grateful, following our heart and making efforts to live a happy, compassionate life. It couldn't be more timely!
Reflection Quote 004 : Goethe on Focus and what matters most
This eloquent quote puts it succinctly. That which is most important to you cannot be left at the mercy of all that which matters least. In the hustle-bustle of life, we find ourselves putting out fires or just taking care of daily maintenance of our lives so we can function. Do this process to get to the core of what matters most.
Reflection Quote 003: Tchaikovsky and Showing Up Daily For Creative Muse
Over and over again, I learn from accomplished writers, musicians and creatives that we must show up every day to create in hopes for the muse to inspire us rather than wait for the muse to show and then begin our creative work.
Reflection Quote 002: Dreams are the seedlings of realities - James Allen
What a loaded quote we have this week, from the British author James Allen. It is packed with tons of deep inspirational thought and in the next few paragraphs, I hope to unlock some key messages so that you can practically apply the wisdom into your life meaningfully...
Reflection Quote 001: Distraction and Misery - Blaise Pascal
What deep truth is entailed in this quote from Blaise Pascal! As soon as I read these words, it struck a deep chord in me. Read my reflection here with two suggestions to heal distraction.