Uplifting Audiobooks: A Collection
Audiobooks that Sophia and Cristof have volunteered to record for other authors.
Why a 15 min daily meditation session is good enough?
You know that meditation is good for you. But you've got a busy, very busy life. Just finding time to have lunch seems sometimes difficult for you because of all the things that need to get done. Then you here that meditation helps you and that an hour a day is the recommended time for really good results. And you think, "One hour? Are you out of your mind? Just the thought of doing meditation for an hour is making me anxious. I don't think meditation is for me!".
What is Inner-strength and how do we cultivate it?
Resilience, perseverance and tenacity - what all these words have in common is that they give me a sense of deep inner-strength. It’s the power one has to deal with difficult situations... It’s the perceived strength one must have to overcome life’s challenges. We sure do need that inner-strength in today's modern life, don't we?
Reflection Quote 001: Distraction and Misery - Blaise Pascal
What deep truth is entailed in this quote from Blaise Pascal! As soon as I read these words, it struck a deep chord in me. Read my reflection here with two suggestions to heal distraction.
Embrace introspection as way to deepen your inner-peace and happiness
I am all about training our mind to become an ally in our life because a trained, calm mind is a powerful thing. This may be the single most important skill that I have been introduced to in my life. And this skill is best refined through a meditation practice. But there's also something else for us.