A New Chapter Begins: Reflection Pond is now Queen of Visualization

Many of you have followed my journey with Reflection Pond. Some as far back as 2010 when I first launched reflectionpond.com.

Now, as of July 2022, reflectionpond.com is queenofvisualization.com.

Below is a bit of the backstory of how this change has come to be.

From 2010 to 2022

The aim of my videos, blogs and programs on reflectionpond.com so far has been that of helping people create inner-peace and happiness. I have been guiding meditation classes since 2010, first for friends in my living room, then for a music band who hired me to guide a visualization before each of their practice for several weeks. We (Cristof and I) even published our first CD: Creative Visualizations for Abundance. I was also publishing many useful videos doing book reviews as well as cultivating new habits of gratitude and cover many other personal development topics on my YouTube channel.

Later, I conducted guided meditations for individuals online via Skype and eventually group sessions via weekly Zoom sessions for our local High Country Meditators group (HCM).

When the COVID-19 pandemic started in 2020, people were still meeting in groups indoors. But I had a strong intuition that this is different. I made a last minute decision to move our in-person meeting to an online Zoom meeting back in Feb 2020. This decision was an important one and it may even have saved some of us from contracting the virus at a time when there was no vaccine or a cure. Since then, Cristof and I held weekly guided meditation sessions for the HCM group on Zoom along with delivering short presentations on things ranging from cultivating inner-peace, topics of forgiveness, gratitude and the Buddha’s teachings of the Noble Eight-Fold Path.

Something new was brewing
And as 2022 came around, I started to feel that something new is wanting to emerge. I didn’t know what it was. But what I knew was that the weekly sessions needed to come to a stop.

Isn’t it often that way in life? We have to make space for the new by shedding the old. To add a new book to an already full bookshelf, we need to choose which book needs to be donated. The old book fulfilled its purpose and can now go on to help another reader.

It was something similar that I was feeling. I know that our meditation group members enjoyed our weekly meet-ups online and loved to meditate together. But for me, instead of an enriching and enlivening experience, these sessions had become energy-draining. I couldn’t understand why that was. It could be that showing up on video each week live was getting to me. All I knew was that I needed to stop doing these sessions.

I am pretty happy with what Cristof and I have created for our community - a total of 93 sessions over a period of two years. That’s quite a consistent effort and output. You can watch all these sessions here as part of the High Country Meditators Video Series.

We stopped our weekly HCM meditation sessions in Jan 2022. And I went quiet for more than 5 months.

Then, towards the end of June, this new but also not new desire came to surface - do creative visualizations.

A New Chapter and a New Journey

Throughout these years, one thing that people in my sessions really enjoyed was creative visualization. If you want to know my approach to creative visualization, read about it here but in short, these are guided visualizations where I create a world of imagination which is out of this ordinary world of ours. We go to a place where we receive guidance from our future self or higher self or guides as well as create a vision of the life we want.

So creative visualization, itself, is not new for me; the desire to fully focus on creative visualization, however, is new. And I am very happy about it.

Over and over again, folks have told me that they enjoyed these visual journeys. Plus, I also love doing them. So in short, here are some of the reasons why I have chosen to go on this path of Doing Creative Visualizations from now on:

1 | People have liked my visualizations. They have come back for it. They like the rest and relaxation factor. Guided Visualizations are attractive to people. Almost everyone has said that “I could use some of that.” They have received messages, they have felt peace.

2 | My visual skills are my strongest skills/ talents. This shows in my poetry which is very visual, in my speech as well as in my imagination. I have a very strong sense of visualization when something is mentioned, I can very clearly SEE it. So don’t ever mention worms when I am eating! LOL!

3 | It comes naturally. It is the only thing, that I don’t need to prepare for. It comes to me naturally. The words flow. The images flow. And it all comes so beautifully to me with ease and I enjoy it. It seems to be coming directly from the divine. I am rarely nervous or doubting whether I can do it. I just know that I have it in me and the guided meditation will come out beautifully. I feel good doing it. And I feel confident and happy when I am guiding a visual journey.

What this means for you?

Now that reflectionpond is queenofvisualization, what this means for you is that you will receive content in your inbox and on the website and on my YouTube channel that is all about creating a life of our dreams using the method of creative visualization. There will be free youtube videos with guided visualizations, book reviews of books on creative visualization and related topics as well as workshops and retreats around creative visualization.

You will get these in your inbox, so sign up here!

I am working to build the best resource online for creative visualization so that you can have the tools, methods and inspiration for creating a life that you want by design.

If this resonates with you, I am happy to have you part of this email list. If you are not finding this exciting, I will not mind if you unsubscribe. And if you are not sure, stay on the email list for at least until Aug 31st to see what kind of content I am sharing and assess if it’s helpful to you. Only then make a decision to unsubscribe - that’s my recommendation!


I am super excited for this next chapter on my journey and I can’t wait to share all that I have envisioned for you plus all the new things I will be inspired to create for you down the road.

With gratitude,

Now, it’s your turn.
Let me know in the comments any supportive comments you have on my new chapter!

Hi! My name is Sophia and this is my message to you:

It’s possible to live the life you want.
Visualize the Life of Your Dreams + Believe + Take Action + Sprinkle In Some Gratitude = Create A Life You Want

To learn more about my approach to creative visualization and how you can use it in your life , see all the details here.

Sophia Ojha

Web Design Services + ConvertKit Services + Biz Coaching for Web Designers + Weekly Blog & Video Tutorials

I (Sophia Ojha) am web designer and coach to web designers based in the Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina. I love to design websites for my clients via my Website-In-A-Day package or my Website-In-Two-Weeks package. I publish a weekly free newsletter called the Abundant Creative which includes blog articles and video tutorials on using Squarespace, ConvertKit and other online tools for online businesses. Also, I love teaching these platforms one-to-one to clients who can hire me for an hour for a quick crash-course on Squarespace or ConvertKit. I am also the founder of Millionaire Web Designer, a 12-month group coaching program that helps web designers build a successful and spacious web design business.

To ask me about any of these, drop me a line via: Contact page.
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www.millionairewebdesigner.com | www.sophiaojha.com


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