Abundance & Peace Are All Within You

Creative Visualizations - the way Sophia guides them

Hi, I am Sophia - the self-proclaimed Queen of Visualization.

In my visualizations, various animals and beings will show up. Some play a main role such as of a leader or guides or facilitators of inner-transformation. Others show up as vehicles to carry you from one place to another - a few very fantastic beings have shown up in the past - just splendid beings. Still others are messengers - my favorite is an American Bald Eagle who is an ambassador sent by the Hawks!!! In today's visualization, the turtle showed up only wanting to be mentioned. Sometimes I will mention what I see and the meaning and symbolism will be more important for individual participants than necessarily to the storyline of the visualizations.

Also prominent in these journeys are trees, rocks and bodies of water along with mountains, streams/waterfalls and clouds that all add to visual scenery. Most of my scenes are inside thick forests inspired both from jungles of India as well as my current beloved Appalachian home. Although, beaches and lake shores do show up, desserts, prairies or other landscapes rarely make an appearance. Once in a while, the locations of my journey will be "other-wordly" - places that are not inspired by our planet but rather are based in some distant place in the Universe.

Welcome to My World of Creative Visualizations!
I hope you will create the life of your dreams with your own into journey of creative visualizations.

Start Visualizing Now

I have many, many visualization videos on YouTube which you can use to start creating a life of your dreams. Begin today with this one on the right that has had 14,000 views.

Free Workbook, Ebook & Guide

Download these free resources to create a happier, peaceful life of your design. Click the respective images below.

Audios & Videos for Cultivating Mindfulness & Inner Peace

Watch or listen to these series of audio and videos. Click the respective image below.

Watch these 10-part videos series, for an instant boost in your state of mind, helping you to craft a happier, more peaceful life.

This is a series of 7 audio visualizations to help you cultivate a peaceful and calm mind and manifest your intentions

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