Happiness Forecast: Part 1 Recap + Next Steps
The 10 videos + blog posts of the Happiness Forecast Series cover some of the key steps on our path away from frustration, anxiety, sadness and other energy pulling states of mind to a more relaxed, peaceful and happy state of mind. Too often we get so busy that we don't take a moment to reflect and review how we are thinking about our life. Taking a step back and asking some important and difficult questions can open up some doors where otherwise things looked stagnant and hopeless!
Episode No 010: Let go of the need to know what happens tomorrow
In our world, where planning for future projects and events is part of our everyday life, often stress begins to show up. We sweat over all the details so that we can design everything "perfectly". But no matter how much we plan and prepare, there is uncertainty in life. How to deal with this? In this video + article, I share with you why we need to let go of the need to know what happens tomorrow and how to accept the aspect of change that is part of our life.
Episode No 009: Don't use your body to hurt yourself
We look in the mirror. See our body. And we think that is all of who we are. We notice a change in how we look. And we feel bad because we don't like it. This is causes you stress and takes you further from feeling at peace and happy. In this article + video episode of the Happiness Forecast, I'm talking about the link between our inner-peace and how we look at our body. Because the state of our body is not who we are.
Episode 008: Assess your efforts not results
Some of us at the end of the week, look back and feel that we haven't really accomplished much. We feel like we are not working hard enough because we are not seeing results. And we beat up ourselves for poor results. This quickly brings you down. I think I may have a solution to get you out of this. In this video, I will show you how and why you need to focus on your efforts not results.
Episode 007: You are enough
Do you have the thought, "I am not good enough"? A lot of people, especially women, do. And this single thought can derail any progress we've made in our business and personal lives. In this episode of the Happiness Forecast, I have a simple reminder for you: You Are Enough!!!
Episode 006: A key to self-acceptance: "You are allowed to feel like that"
Throughout the course of the day, we may experience many different kinds of feelings arise in us. These may be caused by the various situations we encounter while going about our day. We may feel impatient, irritated, annoyed, frustrated, angry, upset, sad or a a host of other things. In this video + blog, I will share with you one important key to self-acceptance that comes in really handy when we are experiencing feelings that tend to bring us down.
Episode 005: Our life is a mirror
The world is a mirror of our state of being. What we think about and say often manifests directly in the form of people and situations. In this episode, I will show you how you can actively change your environment by actively changing your thoughts, words and actions.
Episode 004: How to handle naysayers?
You have begun talking steps to change your life for the better. You are making plans, aiming for the stars and taking action. But then, you talk about a new idea or your new life and run across naysayers - people who question and question and don't seem to get it. What do you do? I will show you exactly how to handle such situations.
Episode 003: 15 Ways To Cultivate Happiness
Have you ever said to yourself, "I should know this by now"? Or as a child do you remember saying anything like, "When I am 20 years old, I will have strong biceps or I will be fluent in Spanish"? In this article + episode I share with you why we need daily happiness practices and 15 of my favorite actions that cultivate happiness.
Episode 002: How To Define Happiness?
Have you ever googled the question: What is the definition of happiness? Thousands of people do and the funny thing is that there is no one definition that suits everyone. There are so many aspects and elements that scientists and new age authors as well as wisdom traditions have defined as the meaning of happiness. In today's article and episode of the Happiness Forecast, I am going to help you figure out you own definition of happiness and share with you mine as well.
Episode 001: The Philosophy Behind The Happiness Forecast Video + Blog Series
In this article, I will walk you through a first step on the path of happiness which is setting an intention for it. But before we get to that, I would like to show you what you can expect and what the philosophy that it is based on and to share what benefits you can expect on your journey to living a happy life, so that you can truly benefit from every episode and every post.