Reflection Quote 002: Dreams are the seedlings of realities - James Allen
What a loaded quote we have this week, from the British author James Allen. It is packed with tons of deep inspirational thought and in the next few paragraphs, I hope to unlock some key messages so that you can practically apply the wisdom into your life meaningfully...
Purpose Driven Accomplishment
In essence, for me this quote from James Allen means one thing: Align my mental attitude with the big vision or dream that I have for my life. Without this alignment, the accomplishments I am striving for is just not going to be or feel the same.
This is a great reminder for me. At times, I get into a flurry of activity- things that need to be done. In the doing of these things, I feel i am getting a lot accomplished. Yes, indeed things get done, projects get completed. Yet, I ask myself: Is this action in alignment with the big picture of my life? Is it a building block to the dream that I see myself living? Or is it a distraction that gives me transitory satisfaction of having "things done". This process is really useful to reduce my To-Do List down to the most essential. Then, I reflect on how I can move on to my thinking pattern. And here is the big assignment.