Sophia Ojha Sophia Ojha

Purpose Driven Accomplishment

In essence, for me this quote from James Allen means one thing: Align my mental attitude with the big vision or dream that I have for my life. Without this alignment, the accomplishments I am striving for is just not going to be or feel the same.

This is a great reminder for me. At times, I get into a flurry of activity- things that need to be done. In the doing of these things, I feel i am getting a lot accomplished. Yes, indeed things get done, projects get completed. Yet, I ask myself: Is this action in alignment with the big picture of my life? Is it a building block to the dream that I see myself living? Or is it a distraction that gives me transitory satisfaction of having "things done". This process is really useful to reduce my To-Do List down to the most essential. Then, I reflect on how I can move on to my thinking pattern. And here is the big assignment.

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