Sophia Ojha Sophia Ojha

Provided From Within.

This week's postcard and quote sets the tone for the four postcards for the month of April which are all around the theme of self-love and abundance. As I am revamping and adding useful products up on the site, I am naturally focussed outwardly. This quote by Goethe, points out so eloquently that our abundance and our wealth is within us. Teachers of consciousness will very clearly demonstrate to us that our consciousness creates our outer world. In other words, our inner life is what determines our experience on the sensory, physical plane.
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Training The Mind Sophia Ojha Training The Mind Sophia Ojha

Musician Uses Visualizations To Get In Touch With Their Inner Tune.

Last week, I was invited by an Asheville based Musician to do a visualization mediation. The band wanted to start their music practices with a meditation. I was so pleased and honored to do so. I believe that visualizations are a great way to begin any creative project. It helps to calm down the mind that is raging with countless thoughts. One becomes relaxed and open to the voice that is wanting to be expressed. Really beautiful way to quiet down nervous energy, doubt and anxiety.


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Sophia Ojha Sophia Ojha

Building Peace with a Smile.

We all know and have felt the magical power of a smile. A genuine smile can pour straight into our hearts, breaking down all barriers- physical or emotional. Especially, when the heart is aching, a loving smile from a friend can heal all wounds. A smile is something we can do also with our eyes. When someone is smiling with their eyes, you know it when you see it.
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Training The Mind Sophia Ojha Training The Mind Sophia Ojha

Online Community Comes Together To Heal Japan

Yesterday's Online Event Healing for Japan was simply moving.

People from around the globe participated to send their love and healing energies to Japan. The event brought together Bonnie Gold Bell and David Sun Todd of as well as Rod Krug of www.blogtv/People/didgerod. I joined in to moderate the event and to do a healing visualization of a healed Japan and a harmonious Earth.

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Sophia Ojha Sophia Ojha

Consistently Kind.

These words of the Dalai Lama bring a little smile on my face. Being kind as a way of life is a beautiful thought. To be kind to our own self is something we have to relearn at times. If we can come to understand and truly know within that all that we want to be is already within us, then bit by bit it becomes easier to be kind to ourselves. 
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Training The Mind Sophia Ojha Training The Mind Sophia Ojha

Help Heal Japan.

So many of us have this desire and urge to do something for Japan in the wake of recent events. All over the world, people are feeling that they want to do more than donate. They want to feel connected and support the healing of Japan.

I am very happy to share with you one such event that will take place this Saturday!

Healing for Japan Live Online Event.
Saturday, March 19th.
4 pm Eastern. 3 pm Central. 2 pm Mountain. 1 pm Pacific.


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Training The Mind Sophia Ojha Training The Mind Sophia Ojha

Visualization for Spiritual Peace

Last Saturday, we had a wonderful visualization meditation. The theme was spiritual: I am at peace. I was inspired to take people through a beautiful journey of visualizing. It happened in three phases.

1. First, I invited everyone to think of a moment in the past when they were completely peaceful. They were invited to envision it in every detail.

2.Then just like sliding a screen, I asked the participants to imagine a situation in the future when they are experiencing peace. Perhaps, a serene place in nature where they feel at complete peace.

3. Then, I asked everyone to bring up a new scene as if in a movie. In this scene they are to visualize all their projects, their dreams, their aspirations becoming real. They are with the people they love, in the place that inspires them and they feel at complete ease.

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Sophia Ojha Sophia Ojha

Taking Steps in Faith.

Faith: a strong knowing without physical evidence. For the logical mind with its home in the left hemisphere of the brain, it is next to impossible to believe something that it does not see. This is one of the reasons why so many artists, entrepreneurs and visionaries are scoffed upon as they are starting out. People don't see the fruits of your creativity and passion yet, and so they hesitate in believing in you. They may even doubt, discourage, criticize or secretly laugh about your ideas and projects and endeavors. It is simply because they are used toseeing in order to believe. Although, it is inbelieving first, that we often see.

We all know about countless examples from history when a mind-blowing idea, a burning desire and a visionary dream is all that carried an individual from the alleys of anonymity to the halls of fame. Along the path were people lined up, laying not welcome mats or red carpets but a sequence of hurdles, doubt, even scorn and worse.
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Sophia Ojha Sophia Ojha

Impossible until Done.

Do you see the tiny blossoms on this tree? They are gracefully emerging from a wintery slumber. Very soon, the tree will be full, alive and vibrant. Mother Nature does what may seem to us impossible, over and over again. She also shows us in her myriad ways that nothing is impossible. Create aerodynamic silent Owl wings so that mice don't scurry away? Done. Insect need protection from birds and needs to look like a stick? Done. Pouch for carrying Kangaroo young? Done. Web weaving skills for Spiders? Done. Underwater subsonic sound for Dolphin communication? Done. And on and on and on.
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