Sophia Ojha Sophia Ojha

Gardeners of our Blossoming Soul

The gardeners of my soul are plenty. My husband has been one and continues to be that caring gardener, tending to the soil that I grow in, removing the weeds and nourishing me with love and attention and admiration. My mom has been a gardener and is one, caring deeply for my well-being at all times. So is my dad, wanting to give me only the best of everything. And there are countless people along my path who have watered my soul when it was thirsty or sheltered me when the sun was too strong. People have come out of nowhere in the past few weeks, for example, to encourage and appreciate the words that I write. Emails from people with kindness and love have filled my heart up. There are those people in my life who inspire me with their thoughts and actions, who push the envelope for themselves and bring all of us further. Recently, I also interacted with wonderful healers who connected me with the depths of my being, bringing messages and healing to my soul.  
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