Master the Foundations Over Saturday Brunch!

Quickly get up and running so that you can get started with sending out emails to your audience and wowing them with your value-rich content.

ConvertKit Foundations Brunch Workshop

2 hr 39 Min Video Workshop Recording

30 Days Free on ConvertKit (affiliate link)
How to migrate your email list to ConvertKit Guide With Checklist (PDF)

US $295

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ConvertKit Foundations Brunch Workshop

"You offer these little gems of procedure, time-saving shortcuts that give me solutions to challenging obstacles."
- Alan Robarge, Relationship Coach & Online Entrepreneur at



Getting Started with ConvertKit

ConvertKit Foundations Brunch Workshop is an almost three hour step-by-step workshop where I walk you through the foundations of using your ConvertKit account so that you will be ready to create your forms, set up new automation rules and visual automation and send out your first email to your list. 

This Workshop includes the exact training I give my premium clients to get up to speed using their ConvertKit Accounts who’ve hired me for my $785 and $995 Anicca and Akira ConvertKit Packages. But I actually go a bit deeper than a foundations training for clients. 


Get the Overview

Isn't it nice when you visit your friend at her new home when she offers to give you a tour of the place? I want to be your tour guide and make you feel at home in your new email marketing platform. We will start off with a nice guided tour of ConvertKit so you know which feature does what and where it is located. It will be like pushing the new buttons on a brand new appliance to see what it does - we will do that together. No, you will not break anything, I promise!

It's All About Using the Right Words

Don't let the new terminology of ConvertKit trip you up and I will show you the ropes when it come to using the right terms. If you've been using Mailchimp or something else before then soon you will find out that there is no such thing as a "campaign" inside ConvertKit. Automation is not an auto-responder email sequence and so on. If you hire an assistant or in the future hire experts like myself for a project in your business, then especially knowing these terms will save you time, money and give you the peace of mind that you are on the same page with your team. It will make communication so much easier, for sure!

Forms, Tags, Confirmation Emails, Double opt-ins, oh my!

These are the essentials. From creating a new form, double-optins, confirmation email to welcome emails, I will show you all that you need to get set up. I will walk you through all the settings of the Form. Tweaks and extra code for designing it to look just right. An important element of creating forms is the naming convention that I teach all my clients - I will show you how that works.

Basics of Automation Rules + Visual Automations

Automation rules and Visual Automations are two distinct and critical parts of running your automated system. I like to think of automation rules as the old-school traffic police standing at crossroads. These trigger rules determine what happens when, according to your pre-determined vision of the journey your subscriber takes in your business. Visual Automations are the next level feature of ConvertKit to create customer journeys for your course/product launches and sales funnel Learn how to use both during this workshop and you will be a master conductor in no-time.

Easily Set Up a 5 Day Email Course

Learn how to set up a sequence easily. A sequence is simply a series of emails that you have pre-written and set to trigger over a course of time. You can use an email sequence to create a 5 day Ecourse which is one of the high-conversion lead magnets/freebies. You can also use this for a sales sequence, or an evergreen launch sequence or a welcome sequence to onboard new subscribers. This is a key tool inside your ConvertKit toolkit and I will show you how easily you can set up your first sequence. 

Send Your First Email to your Audience... Correctly

Finally, we will go through all the steps needed to send out your first email to your list - called "broadcasts" in ConvertKit lingo. You got ConvertKit so that you could communicate better with your audience. Well, together we will send out an email to a test tag - which will be you and me. And we will get ready so you can start broadcasting your message with confidence and ease with your ConvertKit account.

"She is a radiant, warm, smart, technically savvy woman with wonderful energy!"
- Jessica Nichols, Photographer and Writer at

Your Questions Will Be The Most Important 

There will be time for your questions after each segment of my presentation.
This workshop is designed to be interactive, so be ready to share your challenges and get instant guidance on solving them.

I can’t speak highly enough about the process of working with Sophia - clear communication, reasonable deadlines, detailed work and I left with a clear understanding about how this process works. Would you like real numbers? I spent almost $1000 on Sophia’s services in March. By April, with ConvertKit all set up, I could execute, track, and measure multiple email marketing efforts that netted more than $5000 in sales in April. Making this switch and hiring Sophia are the best decisions I’ve made for my business in years!"
⏤ Sharon Zimmerman |

Want to Make a Living From Your List?


If so, then you need an evergreen sequence that sends targeted content to your list. I'll show you how to set it up with the new visual automations in ConvertKit in this live training:
On Sept 28th 2pm EST. Click the button below to sign up :

An inside look at my email content creation process

Thursday, October 26th, 2pm Eastern

One of the pillars of a successful online business is building trust and offering value-rich content to your email list. But you may find that coming up with new, useful content each week is challenging. Add to that the stress of an upcoming emailing deadline and the creativity goes out the door. So how does one come up with new topics? And how to do it all in advance?

To make this entire aspect of your business easy and enjoyable, I'd like to share my very own process. This is the exact process I use to plan, create and set up my emails well in advance of my weekly schedule. Imagine how it would be if you had the entire next month's emails all written and scheduled. Let me show you how to do it. Join me in this free live training hour!

Reserve Your Spot Below: 


Build Your ConvertKit Confidence

So that you can focus on building trust with your audience, creating valuable content and earning revenue from your business.