You’ve Been Accepted. Yay!

I’ve hand-selected web design professionals to be on this Directory.
Not everyone made it this far.

Congratulations! 🎉

The 5 Steps Getting Listed on MWD Directory

Step 1: Apply. ✔︎
Step 2: Get Accepted. ✔︎
Step 3: Make the Payment.
Step 4: Send in your logo, photo and 1 website screenshot.
Step 5: See your business listed on the MWD Directory.

Now, it is time for Step 3: make the payment.

Step 3: Make The Payment for Annual Listing

Get listed on the MWD Directory for 12 months.

Renewal and cancelation accepted at any time.

Renewal: When you renew, your listing will be extended for 12 months at the end of the current 12 month you paid for.

Cancellation: When you cancel, your listing will end at the end of the current 12 month you paid for.

No pro-rates available. No refunds. We cannot guarantee that you will get hired by listing your business on the MWD Directory.

By purchasing, you agree to the above terms.

No Guarantees: We cannot guarantee that you will find a client or get hired by joining the directory. But you definitely get showcased for the tags and categories you shared and of course get backlinks to your site. And I promote the directory on my YouTube channel.

Annual Subscription - MWD Directory Listing US$ 38.00 Every 12 months

Button links to my Stripe checkout.

Reminder for renewal sent a month before the end of 12 months.

My Promise

My promise is to promote the Directory with my email list, on social media and send people to the Directory from my YouTube Videos. I will be driving traffic to this directory from as well which currently receives 21K+ unique visitors per year (data from 2020). My goal is the help connect you with your dream clients.


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