Happiness Forecast: Part 1 Recap + Next Steps
The 10 videos + blog posts of the Happiness Forecast Series cover some of the key steps on our path away from frustration, anxiety, sadness and other energy pulling states of mind to a more relaxed, peaceful and happy state of mind. Too often we get so busy that we don't take a moment to reflect and review how we are thinking about our life. Taking a step back and asking some important and difficult questions can open up some doors where otherwise things looked stagnant and hopeless!
Episode 002: How To Define Happiness?
Have you ever googled the question: What is the definition of happiness? Thousands of people do and the funny thing is that there is no one definition that suits everyone. There are so many aspects and elements that scientists and new age authors as well as wisdom traditions have defined as the meaning of happiness. In today's article and episode of the Happiness Forecast, I am going to help you figure out you own definition of happiness and share with you mine as well.