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5 tweaks I made that more than tripled my solopreneur revenue in one year
Running a solopreneur business is challenging. Every challenge you overcome in your business often reflects an inner transformation that has taken place within you.
So if you are on this one-person business journey, you have my awe and respect. And if you are struggling to hit your revenue goals despite working on all cylinders, I know exactly how you feel.
Content Creation & Overcoming the Pressure For Excellence
Being an expert on a topic is great. And hopefully, you are on the journey to becoming good at whatever it is that you want to do.
But right now, if you don’t consider yourself an expert, let that not stop you from starting. How?
You do that using three specific ways of thinking that I will share in this article.
24 Tools I Use To Run My Freelance Web Design Business
As a freelance web designer, I use the following 24 tools to run my design business and deliver my design packages. I’m breaking them into six categories so it’s easier to follow.
Cop-out or Commitment to 10X
What feels like a commitment to you, may look like a cop-out to others.
That’s what happened recently when I called off a new project even before it began.
10x is easier than 2x.
I don’t Own A Toaster
I don't own a toaster.
I don't own it because I like my kitchen counter free of appliances. In fact, I like my kitchen counter with nothing on it - wide, empty, and clear like watching the ocean from the shore!
Where do I find my very first client? This is my answer
Don’t move the goal post. … in order for you to be content.
Being content is an art. We weren’t all born with it.
But we can all cultivate this art of contentment.
Don’t move the goal post. The art of being content.
Don’t move the goal post. … in order for you to be content.
Being content is an art. We weren’t all born with it.
But we can all cultivate this art of contentment.
One Thing I Wish I Had Done Sooner for Building My Freelance Web Design Business
Wouldn’t be nice if there was a manual on how to start your freelance business or side-hustle that was customized to you specifically? Like so many newbies, when I began my web design business in 2018, that’s exactly what I was in need of.
133: Where Have I been + an update
Squarespace has versatility in its uses. Recently, I designed a summit landing page for a client on his existing Squarespace website. In this video, I walk you through the site and share some tips on how to design a summit landing page.
Expansion happens when you allow new possibilities to exist
Expansion happens when you allow new possibilities to exist in your vision, in your mind.
In your mind, remove the obstacles, the hurdles. Welcome the best version to exist with ease and without resistance.
Like and artist’s blank canvas where anything is possible, let the most miraculous, joyful and beautiful version of yourself and your life take form.
132: Designing an Online Summit Landing Page on Squarespace
Squarespace has versatility in its uses. Recently, I designed a summit landing page for a client on his existing Squarespace website. In this video, I walk you through the site and share some tips on how to design a summit landing page.
131: How to link main navigation to section on the page (anchor links on Squarespace)
The main navigation of your website are usually pages. But in some cases you might want to link to a section on your page instead of a separate page.
130: New Artist Website with Shop on Squarespace 7.1 for Stephanie Ruble
Fresh off the website oven! Last week, I was on a two day project to create an artist website for Stephanie Ruble. The project was over Monday, Tuesday and because of some unexpected scenarios, I needed an extra day to complete the project. Through it all, Stephanie, was calm and composed and readily supplied any new materials or info I needed for the project.
129: 15 Ways I Use Zoom to Run My Web Design Business
There was a time back in 2018-2019 when I was running my live Squarespace Fundamentals workshops, that I had to explain to my participants what Zoom was. Once they registered, I would send them links to tutorials on how to download Zoom and how to troubleshoot if it was not working. Plus, I would ask them to come 15 minutes early so I could help them with any technical difficulties on Zoom.