How to become a money magnet with Omari Harebin
🐬 Be.Do.Have.Life - The Show [Ep 005] with Omari Harebin 🐬
Today, I am sharing a delightful conversation with Omari Harebin. We talk about becoming a money magnet, generating our supply, and many other juicy topics relate to manifestation.
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Here’s the unedited transcript:
In terms of just becoming a money magnet, today, whatever it is that you have excess of, whatever it is that you have surplus of, give that, and you'll see a return on that in your a return on demand for that. And now your willingness and ability to respond to that demand gives that demand permission to grow. And now the demand knows, oh, okay. We can demand more, and now you're in business. Now you're flowing.
Now the wheel is spinning again. And if it slows down, if it creaks or whatever, come back. I got the oil, and we'll and we'll get it going. I am very excited today to be speaking with Omari. Welcome, Omari, to the be do have live show.
I have known Omari ever since I started I got started in Squarespace essentially, like, 5, 6, 7, 8 years ago. I think you've been there all along my journey, but this is the first time we are meeting. So I'm super excited to talk with you and, learn a lot about your way of thinking. So welcome, Omar. Thank you, Sofia.
I'm glad to be on your show. I saw some of the the content you had been publishing, and I was like, this reminds me of some of the stuff that I really used to, like, consume early in my journey. And now I'm in a place where that's what I'm producing, so I thought, you would be a good person to talk to about it. Yes. I was super thrilled when, I got, you know, I got to find I found out that you were interested in, being on the show.
So this is really, really blessing and an honor to talk with you. Oh, cool. So, you actually are not just a digital strategist and all that I know about you from the Squarespace world. You're the founder of s q s You're an author.
You are a podcaster. You are SEO genius. Like, there's so many labels that you are you're multifaceted. But just recently, I found out that you are an author, and I had the privilege to read your book, You Are a Money Magnet. I printed it out so that I can I can make notes Mhmm?
In it. So, maybe we can just start with your book. And, first of all, congratulations. This is actually, you you told me you already wrote another book too. I don't know.
How many books have you written? Several. So, yeah, by the time this comes out, maybe there'll be more. So Excellent. So, tell me about, if you may, how you got to write the book, You Are A Money Magnet.
Yeah. So I've been writing my own personal memoir for the better part of a decade now, and I reached a a part where I was, like, close to the finish. And as I was getting to the finish, there were, like, these last there are these things that just started coming up of, like, okay. At my lowest point, money was my biggest issue. And I told myself that when I resolved this, the thing that I would give is I would give people the resolution to this money issue.
And as I got to, you know, the the end of writing my memoir, it I felt really compelled where I was like, okay. You studied this for a decade now. Like, you've gone you've really applied every single principle that you've learned. You've you've you've just gone through it over and over again. Like, where is the truth?
Like, what is the the the thing here that you can give that will change and transform someone else's situation that is where you were once upon a time? And, that's where this came from. And I oh, I had read a book maybe a few weeks before. I forget exactly what it was called, but it was a it was in this genre of, like, money mindset affirmation kind of things, and it was from a author I'd never read before. But the way it was written was he wasn't really saying much, but it was written in a way that kinda, like, guided your your meditation.
It kinda led you in a certain frame of mind. And and so I'm I've been studying the way people write these kind of books for as long as I've been reading them. In the beginning, I was trying to figure out everything at the same time. I was trying to figure out, okay, how is this marketed? How is this written?
How is it structured? What's the content? Like, I was trying to just crack all of the codes, and then now it's kinda like, okay. I understand how these things are done. What is my version of this?
And a thing came up and it was like, you know what? You are a money magnet, and there's science behind this that you understand. And if you can, put this into a way that makes sense for people, then you you are effectively activating another, you know, magnetic money field that people can enter. And so from the introduction, it's it's intended to give you an immediate effect of, like, oh, something is happening already. Like, my mind is already being transformed.
And that's the power of words, and it's one of the reasons I'm so excited about this. Beautiful. And I concur reading the book You promised already in the first pages that this is going to be an transformative experience, that the reader is going to feel a shift. And I am on fire. I do feel a shift because I was able to question a few of the few of the things that have been emerging for me, and, this book immediately solved for for and I will go into into more detail about that.
But, I love that already in what you shared, you mentioned, you wanted to create your version of all the influences and, conversations around money and abundance and mindset. And this is already a shift for a lot of people, I'm sure, who watch this, is this stumbling block that comes up when we want to create something or bring something out into the world is saturation. There's already so much of this already existing. There are already these people doing that. There's already so much out there, but that doesn't stop a new clothing line.
There are, like, 10 clothing lines already on the same side of the street, and you have one more shop. You you said my version of it. So, yeah, speak to speak to the stumbling block that So there's already so many people on the planet. Why do why we keep making more? I I love the ones that I made.
I, you know, I wouldn't not make them just because other people are making them. I mean, maybe some people think like that, but, it's one of those things where there was not a saturation of what I was looking for. Right? So there and what I was looking for was, a synthesis of ideas that didn't typically go together. Right?
So I grew up in a in a Pentecostal world, which is a Christian denomination that is very fiery and very, emotional and and lit up. And so inside of that world, there's certain truths and certain beliefs that hold it together. In that world, I had beliefs that didn't hold it together. I had beliefs that meant this world that I was in couldn't wasn't stable enough for me to grow. And so I had to exit that world and allow it to to crumble in my consciousness and rebuild a world of my own off of my beliefs that were a reflection of my inner reality.
I don't know how I got on that topic, but oh, the the saturation. So the the point of that is I was always trying to reconcile different worlds, different cultural worlds, and each culture has embedded beliefs, has embedded values and identities. And so I was always moving in between worlds where these things were different, and I had to figure out, well, like, how does this make sense? Right? Most of the worlds that I was traveling between, no one else in those worlds were doing what I was doing.
They weren't, you know, they weren't whether mentally or physically, they weren't leaving the space to have to go through that conflict of, oh, there's people who believe something different and have a different reality. Oh, there's people over here who believe something different, identify different, have a different reality. So I had to reconcile all of that. So I had to reconcile it the science. I had to reconcile the the spiritual.
I had to reconcile the physical, the all all of these different things that we put in isolation. And in my journey, I couldn't find that. I couldn't find that, unifying thing where there was no shame or where there was no, like, fear of being exposed. Right? So Mhmm.
Within the Pentecostal world, I didn't wanna be, like, identified with it because I didn't believe a 100%. And so but I couldn't be in it and not believe a 100% because it's, like, you know, then you go into hell. So there's there was this, like, constant turmoil there in my development of trying to figure that out, and, you know, realizing, like, alright. This is how it goes. So, so the the point is, like, I'm creating for a part of myself that couldn't find what it was looking for.
You know? So as a seeker, you know, I imagine you're a seeker. There's something that you haven't found yet. And that thing, you're gonna find it within yourself, and as you discover it, you'll be like, this is what I now have to give. And you've already found it in different ways.
Right? It's not a one time be all kind of thing. It's a continual, you know, refinement, if you will. Yes. And so my Squarespace business is a perfect example of that.
I was looking for development help. Like, I was looking for plugins once upon a time. I was looking for templates once upon a time. And what I couldn't find, I created. And so every single time I log in to that platform and I have a problem, which is pretty much every time I log in to the platform, I go Google something.
And I don't log in that much these days, but when I do, and I'm like, wow. I have to go and Google this? And then I Google it, and I don't find anything. I'm like, what's going on? Like, who's why is no one why has no one solved this and, like, put it up yet?
So 9 times out of 10, if it takes an hour, I'll figure it out. I'll publish something. Or if I'm really curious about it, I'll spend some time and I'll, you know, I'll come up with a solution and I'll share it. And I just have a long trail of those. Right?
Like, that's what my business consists of. It's just a long trail of, going through the same process of looking for something that I couldn't find, creating it, and giving it to other people. And and we all have that. You know? And it and it it occurs when you're in your interest, when you're following your curiosity.
You are bound to run into, like, the edge I call it the edge of the universe, which is where questions haven't been answered yet, problems haven't been solved yet. And that's where I'm most, like, lit up. I'm like, oh, we're at the if I go searching for something on Google and I get the the fishing thing, I'm, like, oh, wait. So no one 3 words or these two words that I just put together that feel so good together that makes so much sense, no one has, like, conceived this and published it on the Internet yet. I'm, like, okay.
Cool. So, you talked about SEO. Like, to me, that's what I call deep search. It's where you've gone to, like, the edge of the the digital world where nothing has been, published for that particular small thing, and that's where you create. That is literally where you create, and you can create, like, with you know?
You're at the edge of the river. You know? Like, if there's not there's nothing saturated in front of you. That's yeah. That's amazing, Omari, because I have not run into that problem now.
Oh, you well, you're gonna run into it. I, oftentimes feel myself, looking for something, finding answers, and, like, 10 different versions of that answer already exist. But there's always my twist to the problem that I can do. Exactly. But coming back to just this this element in you that says, okay.
The the thing that I'm looking for doesn't exist, and then you figure it out on your own with your own resources, creativity, intelligence. And then there's this drive in you to then put it out there for the others instead of just going about your life and, okay, I solved that, and now I'm moving on. That is something very powerful. That's just this to me, it's like business. It's like a it it's a it's like a necessary part of, the value exchange.
Right? So if I discover something valuable, then I have to figure out a way to distribute that value or make that value accessible to people, in order to have a business. That's the thing I'm solving for. And it's just the end part of a process. It's, the the the exposure part, you know, where you have to present something.
And so I think sometimes if you can break the parts down and then you can say, okay. This is, like, a skill set that I can build, and that skill set is, like, sharing your solutions to to problems you've encountered. Like, it's not been an easy thing for me. You know? Mhmm.
But it's been a practice. So over time, the practice becomes more natural. It becomes easier. It becomes just a thing you have to do, in order to finish your you know, in order to finish your cycle Yeah. So to speak.
And that is what you're referring to already in the first few pages of your book where you talk about entering the magnetic field, and you invite us to align the magnetic force that lies within us, align with the magnetic force that's within us. Mhmm. And the value is an important, part of it. Actually, there's a a quote that I wrote down. You you write, the stronger your energy, the more aligned, authentic, and positive it is, the stronger your magnetic field becomes.
Wow. That's a lot of wisdom and insights inside this quote. I'll make it really simple. We all have desires. Right?
Like, we are all drawn to certain particular things. I was in the supermarket the other night, and I was just going through the aisles. And I looked over, may I don't know, 20 yards in the refrigerated section, and I saw these, like, 3 cans, and the colors were perfect, the shape, whatever the design was, it it literally just called me and it was like, these are for you. And I just walked over, took them off the shelf. I already knew this is what I had been looking for.
And what had I been looking for? I'd been looking for, a sports drink that was, like, healthy, essentially, or that that felt good or felt better than, like, a Monster or Red Bull. And I'd been just you know, it was just like a a random thought a few weeks ago, like, man, I want this is what I want. I want this type of sports drink. And so, literally, as soon as it entered my peripheral vision, I saw it.
It called to me. I went and got it. Right? Call it good branding. Call it good marketing.
Call it what you will, but that is Good intuition. It's all so all I'm doing is using different words to describe the same thing. Right? So, I was drawn magnetically to that product. I bought it.
That the creator of that product, they magnetize money by through their design, through their packaging, through the ideation of the product. All of that value that they created, they created it with someone in mind. They created it with me in mind, the person who was who couldn't find it. Right? So everybody does this.
It's not like a it's not a it's not I my hope and my goal is to demystify a lot of these things so people can see it in broad daylight all around them and look around and say, oh, wow. Yeah. Every single product, every object, every item in my material world was conceived by somebody in their imagination with a purpose for a function. Right? And it has arrived in my reality through my own desire or through my own imagination of what I wanna see and what I wanna feel.
And so that is the the quantum entanglement where Mhmm. There's this this this commingling of desire and imagination and creation, and, we all have access to it. So, that is what I'm excited about. It's like, you know, the the and and so there's an honesty. Right?
When we're honest about our desires and we're honest about our needs and our wants, then we become more magnetic for those things. Mhmm. Right? That is powerful there. And Because a lot of us do put away our desires because of what we need to We don't sorry to interrupt.
Go ahead. Because this is something I had to go through. It's like, you don't wanna be seen desiring. You know? Like, you don't wanna be seen, like, oh oh, you want that?
Or, like, oh oh, you wanna be a money magnet? You know? Even just creating this book for me, there's a time where I I couldn't do that because I would be, like, in the state of doubt or questioning or, like, is it, you know, the like, no. I wanted to be a money magnet. So I became a money magnet, and here's how you you are a money magnet too.
We're all money magnets while we decide certain things, and that's what this is supposed to help you do. It's like, okay. I can decide to be honest about what I desire, and I can recognize when I'm being drawn to things, and I can now also recognize when things are being drawn to me. Right? So, money is just a byproduct of an of some type of energy exchange, and that exchange is one of desire.
And so that's why in marketing, you're always trying to conjure up this energetic state in the the the buyer of desire. And Mhmm. You know, and, oh, you want this. And then also fear of, oh, this might be taken away. Oh, you might not get this.
And so Mhmm. I've always been aware and sensitive of all of that because I'm like, man, that's, that's dangerous stuff to play with. You know? That's powerful stuff to play with. Playing with desire and playing with fears around those desires.
And that took me a long time to be, like, to to be, like, okay. I know how I wanna use that power. Right? Mhmm. And I wanna use that power to make people better in ways that, they might not realize they can be better.
Yes. So what would you say is is the first step for anyone who wants to become more conscious of their money magnetism? Okay. So the way money flows, it's always in the direction of, like, a a value dis like, some kind of disproportionate value. Meaning, you need something or you want something more than it costs you.
Mhmm. Right? Every single time. Sometimes there might be some pain with that. It's costing a lot for something that you need, and then when that, you know, when that thrust if it if it's if it's costing more than the desire, then you don't buy it.
Right? That's that's just plain. Right? Simple. But when there's a really good deal, right, when it's something that you've wanted, you've desired, it's worth a lot to you, but then the cost is, like, suddenly it's half, where does your money fly?
It flies in that direction. Right? You know when people are like, oh, just take my money to it's because they're having that feeling of, like, yo. Whatever it costs is insignificant compared to this desire, this energetic state that I'm gonna receive from having this, owning this, from from having my consciousness now be, like, yeah. Now I have this.
You know? Like, I've I've I've gone from imagining it to materializing it. That's what that's what everyone is doing when we we throw money away. Right? We are, in exchange, hopefully, materializing something.
Mhmm. And so you asked about the first step. It's just recognizing that that happens all day, all around you. We're all active participants in this exchange and in this flow. And once you're aware of it, you can now decide, okay.
Where am I most valuable? Where is where is the the the thing that is coming from me worth more than it costs someone to receive it? Yes. On a so on a basic level, when people go to work or you have a job, you've entered a contract where you have said, okay. I value my time at this amount of money.
And so if it costs me 8 hours to get that amount of money, I'll give you my 8 hours. Give me my money. I'm not we're now, you know, in a employee contract relationship. Right? Yes.
That happens all day. It's all around us. But then someone can decide, oh, no. What if I'm worth 10 times what my salary is at the moment? Right?
What if if what if right now I'm only operating at 10% of my true value potential in this role? What if? And what if I were to 10 x my potential by fully being myself and letting go of this, shell identity that is only operating at 10%. What if I were to operate at a 100%, wouldn't I then be worth 10 times what this employer has decided my, the value of my function is? Right?
Mhmm. So, these are all very, like, practical things that you can use where you can it it will take time. Right? Yes. I had the realization 10 years, and I'm like, man, I gotta be worth more than this.
I have to be because I'm only giving these people a small part of myself. I'm not even giving them, like, the entirety of Omari. So if they're paying me this amount of money for this small part of myself, what does that mean? Right? So that The part of it is a decision.
It's it's essentially a decision. Yeah. It's all a decision because once you decide, you've eliminated other possibilities. So in the realm of possibilities, there's always possibilities. By by default, we're gonna drift towards, like, something.
Like, we're just gonna be drifting in some whatever momentum direction we're going. But if we decide on a different possibility that is not in that trajectory, now things have to be now things are shaken up. Now reality is breaking down. Relationships are falling away, because now you've entered a new realm of possibility. And if you continue to make decisions that are in alignment with that, then you're bound to see that realized.
Yes. Yes. I love that. I love that because, it's not about techniques and processes and all these rituals. Those can those can be good, but it starts with a decision I'm hearing from you.
It's about deciding what is that the reality that you want to create and then aligning yourself more and more towards Yeah. Continually. Yeah. It's like you're you're navigating across an ocean, and you have to keep sight of your north star. Whatever that north star is, it might you know, like, the location might shift as you as you move.
Yes. Right? So it can become disorienting if you're expecting things to just stay, like, linear. Right? Oh my goodness.
But accepting that there's gonna be, like, you know, variation in states along the way, but that doesn't change the the the star that you've, you know, you fixated on. Yes. Okay. So you just touched on something very, very sensitive for me because, as you know, I've been a Squarespace web designer for many years. And lately, I've been feeling this desire to shift my focus to things like what I'm doing now to this Mhmm.
To this conversation, be to have life, the show, writing more about, manifestation, abundance, wealth creation, expanding, getting to know the limitless possibilities that we have about our own mind. And I'm finding myself struggling with that transition because part of me says, here you go again. I'm starting something new again and starting from scratch. Because before web design, I was an email marketer. Before that, I, was a meditation teacher.
Before that, I was photo book designer. So each time I am getting more and more refined towards my desires Mhmm. I feel like I'm starting from 0. Mhmm. And it's it's a it's a stumbling block.
But you are reminding me that it's important to be honest about our desires, to recognize the things of interests that we have. What doesn't start from 0? Do you know anything? It just seems like if somebody were to stick with something, they their efforts compound over many years. Yep.
Whereas Who who do you have to stick with? Whatever I'm starting with. Like, I'm afraid that now this thing that I'm starting in a couple of years, I'm going to let it go. And Yeah. No.
No. I said, who who who are you stuck with? Who? Yeah. Myself.
Okay. Okay. Right? So wouldn't you compound as long as you stick to yourself? Doesn't the principle still apply?
Yes. It doesn't compound if you stick to a role because you know that sticking to a role is gonna take you away from yourself at a certain point in time. You already know that because you've observed and measured your path up to this point, so you can already know that, okay, at a certain point of time, I will have to give this up as well. And I'm not gonna be worried about that because I'm not there yet. I'm here.
And so I have to really embody this so that when that time comes, I can surrender it again, and I can go back to 0. And this time, I can go back to 0 confidently because 0 is not a new state. 0 is something that I've been at before. So, it's like it's like telling the clock that, no. I don't want you to go back to go back to 1.
Like, what? It's, like, after 12, I want you to keep going to 13. That's military time. Okay. After 24, I want you to go to 25.
No. It's gotta go back to 1. Right? So time forces that function. It forces that return to 0.
Yes. So when you go when you go with it, you can be in harmony with it. And when you're in harmony with 0, 1 feels a lot more easy. Yes. 1 is incredibly hard when you're trying to be at 8, 9, 10, like, you know, because you're not there yet.
But but one is much easier when you're at 0, and then 2 becomes a lot easier from 1. And then you can start to think exponentially or, you know, go in different trajectories. But those those initial steps are always gonna be the same. Yeah. You're in it.
You know? Yes. I'm in it myself. You know? It's not the first time, but I know that I'm returning to myself.
You know? I'm not, it's not like I'm going to some other person. I'm going to a a a version of myself that I once conceived in my mind. Yes. That's, something in the book that you by the way, that's just I just feel like that issue just got solved like that with what you shared.
So thank you for that. I think, yeah, just there was just a stumbling thought, a mind virus that, I presented to you, and you showed me a way out of it. In your book, you also mentioned that, following our interest and passion is important because they're pointing to our purpose. And that was really important for me to remind myself because how often do we, you know, downplay things that come easy to us, downplay things that are natural, downplay things that, you know, we we think that it should, ah, who's gonna pay for that? You know, that comes that's, like, second nature to me.
Somebody who's amazing singer or amazing artist. Yeah. I can do that in my sleep. Why, you know, why should that be valued? So Yep.
So important to remember that. Yeah. I've I've had to deal with that recently where a few months ago, I got a comment on some, I don't know, some video or somewhere, and the person was like, oh, this is so inspiring. And I got upset. I was like, what is this inspiration that like, I I had this, my mind went through, like, a montage of, like, oh, this is so you're inspiring, Mario.
Oh, man. I'm so inspired. Like, I just had this montage of, like, inspiration message, you know. And it made me upset because I'll at at the state I was in, I was, like, well, what is this doing for me? I was like, like, what the hell?
Like, what is inspiration that what is it doing? And I had to sit with that feeling because it was it was like, I don't usually get upset. Right? And why would someone get upset at a compliment where someone is telling you you've inspired them? But if if you've given that inspiration and, you haven't been aware of the value of it, then you can kinda develop a resentment for your own gift, for your own source, because you haven't really capitalized and actualized it in a way where it could really be, magnetized and and and and strengthened.
Yes. So I sat with the emotion of, like, okay. Well, what does it mean to be an inspiration? So I I literally Googled it. I was, like, I need to understand this thing because, clearly, I'm get clearly, I have it, and, clearly, I'm giving it, and people are receiving it.
But, there's something out of balance in the exchange where I don't feel like I'm I'm getting my share of it. And maybe it's because I don't know what it is. So I looked it up, and I learned I was like, okay. Inspiration is is something that moves people to action. And I was like, oh, okay.
So moving people to action, that's a pretty valuable thing. Everyone needs what if you have a desire and you're not moved to action towards that desire, you're not gonna realize it. So I was like, oh, this is valuable. And then I sat and then I I was like, oh. And I've always thought about inspiration as being in the spirit of a thing, but I didn't realize the thing that I was being in the spirit of was the spirit of creation.
And so Mhmm. I was like, oh, so when I'm in the spirit of creation, people are inspired to create, And therefore, this is the state that I need to be in, stay in, and give from perpetually or as often or as freely as, I'm presented the opportunity. And so then everything kinda changed. I was like, okay. I got this.
You know? Clearly, I I already had it, but because I wasn't conscious of it, I was my mind was thinking, oh, I need to be this. I need to do that. I I these needs, these or these shoulds that were outside of my core, outside of my my source of abundance. And so if I could be abundant with inspiration, if that's where my abundance is, if if that's the thing that I am gravitated towards, and if that's the thing that I can give freely from, then that's all I need to do.
Beautiful. I love that how you really went deep with the feeling, the emotions that were coming up from a compliment and to dig deeper to find out what is it really there to tell me. Mhmm. So you are owning your your creative spirit more fully as a result. Yeah.
Have to. So that means anything that inspires me or grabs my inspiration, that's where I invest. You know? That's where that's what I, I wanna conjure more of. Right?
So and that feels wonderful. Right? It means that I can, I can feel good about my desires because I know my desires are in alignment with what inspires me and what keeps me inspired and what gets me inspired? And so I know that those things are already mine, I because they already are mine. You know?
So it it creates that state that we occasionally or have occasionally accessed or tapped into, but now there's more of a a certainty where it's like, okay. I, like, I can now accept without any shadow, you know, shadow of a doubt. I I can accept this. So what would you say to somebody who is, let's say, a freelancer? You know?
They have carved out a niche for themselves. Let's say Squarespace web designer. Why not? Because that's Mhmm. And now they find that, yes, that's paying the bills.
That's taking care of, you know, the groceries and the rent and or or the mortgage and everything that they need to survive. But what they need to thrive is something else, something from a deeper part of their consciousness, a creative element that is wanting to emerge. Maybe it's something simple as they love reading books and they love making videos that are summaries, like book reviews of the books that they read. There has to be an element of trust, right, for this person then to say, okay. I'm going to go all in because I trust the process, and I trust that committing myself to my desire is going to be the path to my abundance, to my wealth so that it can sustain me.
What are your thoughts on that? How would this person develop that that trust, or what else is needed? I think in the beginning, the fear is that you're gonna be alone. Right? That, because this thing is unique to you, because this thing feels individual, it feels like, oh, there's no one else.
Maybe in my immediate sphere who's interested in this. It means that me going all in on it kinda create you know, means that I'm no longer connected to what I'm currently connected Right? Because now I'm connecting to this thing that is unique to me, and so, therefore, the first obstacle is, like, well, like, how do I do this alone? Right? Like, what what does it mean to be alone or to start at 0, to be at scratch with this thing?
And that's just, like, how it goes. It it's not I think maybe I think because there's a lot of people who sell shortcuts and, like, you know, these, like, ways around things. Like, I I specialize in workarounds, you know? So technical workarounds, mental workarounds, but then there's certain things that you you don't you can't work around. You it's just you have to work through.
And so in every sales message, the first thing that you're told is you are not alone, because that's how the person feels with their problem in the beginning. They feel like, oh, I'm a no one else is as stuck. No one else is as stagnant. No one else is suffering the way I'm suffering right now, because you don't know anyone else the way that you know yourself. So, therefore and you are your biggest priority.
So, of course, it it's gonna feel like that. And then guess what happens? You encounter a message that says you are not alone, and it grabs your attention. You're like, wait. There there's other people out there who feel this way, who suffer, who struggle, who are going through this thing?
And now you start to, you know, you're like, okay. Tell me more. And then they tell you about a transformation where not only did they suffer and struggle and feel like you, but then they realize this this other reality that you've been seeking to realize as well. And now you're really at the edge of your seat, and then they tell you exactly how it happened, and you're like, woah. There's there has to be something else in there.
There has to be something missing. And they say, yeah. There is, but it cost you. Yes. And it cost me a whole lot.
It cost me more than you would probably want to to go through yourself, which is why I'm giving you a deal, Which is why I'm making it an easy 1999 or whatever the thing is, and you're, like, oh, okay. And then they say, but not only that, I'm gonna make it happen for you faster. I'm gonna make it happen for you in in shorter amount of time. All of these extra things that you didn't even bargain for. Right?
Yes. So the reason I lay out that, like, that sales message is because, literally, that's what we're always buying into, is the reality that we struggle with problems. And in the beginning, when we first encounter the problem, we are alone in it. And our next course of action is to find out who else has had this problem because maybe they have a way out. And as soon as we find that person, they say, oh, yeah.
I've had that too. Here's how I solved it. And you follow their recommendation because you've there's this, I wanna say quantum entanglement with the problem, and that allows you both to observe the the the the resolution to it, even though it occurred for you at different points in time. So, the question of, you know, the freelancer going all in on an interest, what is you know, the the the key thing, and I think you've done a excellent job already, is that if you just keep that interest to yourself, you know, if you just keep it to yourself and it doesn't do anything for anyone else, then you miss out on the the magic of what happens when other people are aligned with that interest as well. Right?
So in the beginning of my Squarespace journey, there no one was thinking about what I was thinking about or caring about what I was caring about, but I knew that they were bound to. I knew that there was a certain inevitability that, okay. Maybe I'm the only one interested in Squarespace themes right now, but that's the best place to start. It's it's always best to start alone. Because if you start alone in a thing that others are bound to encounter, then when they encounter it, they're bound to receive what you've created for them to receive at that moment of of, you know, problem.
Like, it every day, I I get a a a testimonial or a review of someone who woke up not realizing that they would have a Squarespace problem, and then they go on a Google search, and then they find the plug in, and then they they they have an experience that happens all the time. And but it first started I first had the experience myself, and I decided that I wasn't I couldn't I I knew that I couldn't just, like, sit with it myself because I that's not how you grow. And so even though it was difficult, even though it required me to get out of myself and face certain anxieties and fears, I knew that it was the only way to go is, you know, to to share. Yes. And we hear all the time, you know, conversations about people saying I'm interested in x, y, and z.
It's a it's a a tiny niche inside a tiny niche, and you realize very soon that there are countless forums on that topic, and there are 100 of thousands of people interested in this tiny niche. Mhmm. Oh, yeah. For sure. I mean, and people out there.
Money is a giant niche. That's why I was like, okay. I'm I now know I'm in the place where, like, I can kinda, like, fall back on the bed, is because is because there's no shortage of money problems. There's no shortage of, you know, people trying to acquire more, accumulate more, but not having the foundation or not having the principles to just get them there, faster for a shorter amount of time. See, I just did it.
I love that, and I love always to have a different angle on the same topic because it's, it is it's flavored with your experience. It's flavored with your specific persona and your point of view. Mhmm. So I really appreciated the opportunity to to read your book. So what principles I don't know.
There's so many questions. But It's all good. I'm good for it. I did wanna ask you all your different influences, in this, like, the spiritual traditions. You also talked about the hermetic principles.
So I'm curious about that. Mhmm. But coming back to the person, I I wanna stay with, applying this knowledge to a person who maybe at this point, at this time while listening to us, is facing a money issue Mhmm. Which, you know, for many, many different reasons, they are in that situation. Yep.
And they're very much curious and eager to get themselves out because they do recognize that they are a money magnet. So But Yes. So what I found what I found is that there's always, like well, for me, at least, there's always some immediate thing that I have to attend to. Right? There's there's always some work.
There's always some work that, maybe, like, I no longer maybe it, like not to say I don't wanna do it anymore because I've left that state, but, like, maybe there's some work that I haven't done yet. And, and yeah. Sure. Maybe there's some money that I need or money that I want, but I know that until I address the present needs in in front of me because what addressing those present needs does is it I'm given. Like, there's all it's delivery.
Right? There's some things that I need to deliver to people. If you don't have anything that you need to deliver to anyone, that's that's the like, the the delivery is in response to you know, like, it's a flow. Right? So it's about getting the flow going.
And the flow starts with, okay, what do you have in front of you today that you need to deliver? Deliver that. Right? Be as simple as doing a laundry that's been sitting for a week. The for me, it used to be dishes.
It was like, I'm in this I feel kinda stagnant. Let me do the dishes. It loosens up my mind. It kinda it it's almost like a little mini meditation where okay. The now the dishes are done.
I can I can my mind is clean? You know, the flow can begin again. But, you know, if if there's some kind of client demand or or something, resolve those as quickly as possible. Get those, get those out the way because that loosens up you know, that creates the space for more to replace it. Right?
And so if you finish that work, if whatever work you have now, if you finish it in a positive state, in a in a in a state of gratitude, in a state of, like, okay. Maybe I was feeling, like, kinda bummed about this for a little bit of time because I maybe I didn't charge enough or may you know, maybe some negative thing kicks in. Shed that because the work that you are delivering, it doesn't just have value to the person you're giving it to. It has value for anyone else like them with the same problem that you're delivering that solution for. K?
Mhmm. So so not only are we gonna focus on this 24 hours and and deliver what we have to deliver, whether it's some domestic chores or it's some client obligation or some obligation that maybe you just been sitting on, get that out the way. And as you get it out the way, though, get it out the way, like, happily. As happily as you can. Not just because, like, it's out the way, but because there's value in that thing that you didn't even realize before before before listening to this, where you get to now choose.
You now get to decide that the work that you are doing is no longer just, like, this is no longer just gonna benefit you. This is gonna benefit anyone else who watches this, who's in a similar state and going through a similar process. So that makes that starts to multiply the value, and then it creates space as that delivery is gone. Now you have space. Now you have clarity of mind, and it's in a positive space.
Right? And now you are open and ready to receive a new a new demand. And and and that's the thing is if you are trying to get away from demand or you're trying to get away from, then you're getting away from your supply as well. Right? So the the align the alignment is okay.
If our supply so in my case, if my supply is inspiration, then I have to get in alignment with the demand for inspiration. So, okay, if people are listening to podcasts because they wanna be inspired, then wherever there's a demand for that, I gotta I have to accept and be open to that demand. So, that is is, like, the mechanism that you keep that you use to, like, keep the flow going, and and continuing to realign with okay. Well, what do I wanna be demanded for? Because if I wanna amplify my supply, I have to amplify my demand.
Right? Naturally. It it you know, if I wanna charge more, I need to create more demand. If I wanna magnetize more money, like, I I'm using all of that language to really get people to back to basics of of exactly what I'm telling you right here. This is like, those things are attractive.
Right? Those ideas are magnetic, but there's also they they're they're also metaphors for for things that we do and we see every day and we participate in every day. Yes. Yes. Absolutely.
There's so many nuggets, and we'd love to go deeper in that demand part towards the end. But I just wanted to add that, not only do we create so when we finish it's also this unfinished business that could be a project, not just for a client, but our our own project. Like Yep. For about I think for 10 years, I had a project to create a photo book for my mom's 60th, birthday, anniversary. I managed to do it for her 68th birthday anniversary, where it took me 10 years of delaying and procrastinating, but the project was done in a weekend.
Mhmm. You know? Mhmm. And, and emails sitting in the inbox. Like, I made a rule to respond to emails within 24 hours or less Mhmm.
During workdays to kind of clear that out as well. Yeah. And when we take care of things for others, not delay things for others, things in our life are also not delayed. Mhmm. So every time I'm delayed, like, if my plane gets delayed, I'm traveling somewhere, I know that I have, put somebody else on a delay.
Mhmm. Oh, yeah. The ripple effect of that. Yeah. That's a powerful thing to be aware of.
Yes. So tell tell us a bit more about the last part you just said about amplifying the the demand in order to and amplify the supply Yeah. Or vice versa. Yeah. So so, you know, in business, if you you wanna grow, right, it means that more people are demanding your services.
So there's 2 side you know, there's 2 sides of the word demand. There's 2 connotations. They're like, oh, this is so demanding. Right? There's, like, a negative side of it, but then there's the positive side of, well, if I wanna be in business, then I need demand.
Right? Every business is in the business of delivering on orders. It's orders. Right? So but orders as well.
That's a word where who likes to take orders? Right? There's, like, a negative side of, like, if if it's if it's not coming from your truth, then you don't wanna be taking those orders. But then there's another side of taking orders where there's there's it feels fulfilling. It's like, oh, I get to deliver on this.
I get to fulfill this. So the alignment that I'm talking about is where I wanna be demanded. Like, I want you to demand inspiration of me because that's what I'm I'm demanding of of my my environment. Like, I wanna be inspired. So I want you to want that from me.
Orders. Like, I want you to order this book from me because this is what I used to order. You know? Like, this is the this is where I wanna I I the demand that I wanna meet is the people who are demanding answers to these questions that I had for a long time. I wanna meet that demand.
I I wanna deliver. I wanna take those orders. Yes. Right? Order me to to to to answer every single question that you have, and I will answer it.
You know? It's kinda like the genie. Like, you know, we'll we'll we'll take you or whatever or you go to the drive you drive through. I'll take your order, you know, purchase, like, orders everywhere. Orders orders everywhere.
Demand demand everywhere. Right? So it's it's there. You can be in a an environment where you do not want to meet whatever the demand is anymore. Maybe there's a time that you did, and now it's like, I don't wanna meet that demand anymore.
Well, you have to you have to look for a place where there is even more demand if you wanna Mhmm. Make that that shift. Right? That quantum leap of, like, okay. Well, if I wanna go from here to here, then where is this demand, like, exceedingly great?
Yes. And it's not being met. Right? Yes. So where was my demand exceedingly great and where and it wasn't being met?
Mhmm. That's where I'm on my way to. I'm I'm you know, that that's the that's the journey back. It's like, I'm I'm rushing to that place where I was looking so that I can meet myself there, and I can give myself what I was looking for. I can meet that demand that I had.
I love that. It's coming back to using your des desires as guideposts to your true self and honoring it, honoring that desire where you're not putting it on the back burner anymore, but bringing it front and center. Do you also feel that when you are creating, you are taking care of your past self? There the the the needs that you had in the past, you're now fulfilling your own needs Yeah. Most definitely.
Past self? I have a meditation that I call it the the circle of life meditation. And, essentially, what it I'll I'll give it to you. You essentially you're walking you're you are you are showing up to an event, a networking event, and you have no idea what's on the other side. But as soon as you get there, you are greeted with another version of yourself.
And the room is not only that other version of yourself, but it's filled with every other version of yourself, so every other age. Right? So Sofia from 0 all the way up to the age you are now, but then all the way up to a 100 as well. So the 100 year old Sofia is in the room along with the 1 year old Sofia. Wow.
And everyone in between. And it is a wonderful event because the eldest is holding the youngest. Right? The 40 year old is chatting with the 20 year old. Right?
God. There's there's this, like it's just an amazing event. Right? Because, finally, you can connect with yourself. Mhmm.
All of yourself. And all of the wisdom that the future you has is there in the room. All of the wisdom that the child has, all of the joy that the child has is there in the room. Everything of you is there. And so you get to hold hands in a circle.
You get to look around the circle and look at all of yourself, and there's an exchange of, oneness. Right? There's a reconciliation of identity where, the photo book Sofia, the web designer Sofia, the money mindset manifestation Sofia, they're all enjoying each other's company. There's there's there's harmony. Right?
Where even if you open your mouth and and there's a song that sang, there's harmony from the child. Right? They get to sing at a frequency that you can't access right now, but it's there. It's touching. Right?
The eldest can sing, and they can sing at a frequency that you can't sing at right now because their voice isn't there yet. It hasn't it hasn't dropped to that degree. Right? But there's such harmony. There's such resonance in the room because it's the circle of you.
And, that is a place that when I go to that place and I go to that ultimate networking event, I'm I'm reaffirmed. I I I it it lets you know, the uncertainty goes away because you can see for yourself. You get to your imagination gets to create yourself, in order to meet yourself wherever you are and wherever you've been and wherever you will be. So Wow. Wow.
I have never heard of something like this before. It's powerful. Did they have the no Yeah. Definitely no business cards are exchanged at this There's no yeah. There's no need.
There's but if you want to, you could because You could. Why not? Just for just for comedic purposes. Mhmm. Let me see your card.
Oh, you're that now? I can see my future self, like, just having a t shirt saying, like, just listen to me. I have all the answers. Yeah. Wow.
So I just looked at the clock, and I can't believe that more you know, almost an hour more than hour has passed. But, do you have one one final question that I can ask you Yeah. For sure. Before we go. Yeah.
Okay. So this is the question I am curious about. What are your different influences Okay. And, yeah, different paths that you've explored? Yeah.
So I've gone down many paths. I have a memoir. It's called Brainwashed in the Blood of Jesus, and that really cap captures my the totality of my spiritual journey, which has been one of, I guess, figuring out what I need to believe. Right? Like like, my, my mom used to say, every man has to know God for himself.
And that was something that that, like, anchored my spiritual journey was knowing for myself of what I chose to believe. And what I think naturally I was seeking as a child were were answers to creation. You know? Like, from a young age, I was looking to just understand, okay, well, how how did the world come about? You know, just how do things come to be?
And I think my through my entire life has been that question of how do things come to be? And, essentially, how does reality come to be? Mhmm. And if I have a desire, how does that desire come to be? Right?
So seeking to answer that question has been, I guess, the the the the through line for me, of the different, I guess, spiritual traditions that I've explored is coming to understand the nature of reality. And starting from a a Christian worldview, unique to the island of Jamaica, unique to the the culture of of Pentecostalism, which emerged about a little over a century ago, and spread, and and had, there used to be a song. The holy ghost fire is moving just like a magnet. Whoop. So that was funny.
So, yeah, when I was 5 years old, that was a song that would be sang in church. And when that song was sang, the holy ghost fire would move just like a magnet. Right? So that was my early, early experience with the spiritual and and and God and religion and all of that was through, the lens of Pentecostalism, which is a branch of Christianity where there's a belief in the Holy Ghost, which is, a part of a part, a, a, a vehicle of, you know, spiritual exchange. Right?
It's like the the the comforter, the the benefactor, the the spiritual thing that, like, I guess, permeates. And so in that world, when it moved, you know, it would have a very physical effect. Right? So there's shouting. There's there's a there's there's movement.
There's running. There's jumping. There's speaking in tongues. So that that is, like, my, that's my foundation. And so from that place, with these questions that I had, I had to figure figure out answers to these questions, because that world felt very unique in a sense that these things that I'm observing and that are happening, I know that they're not happening outside of here.
Right? Like, I know that at the the Catholic church up the street, like, people are not jumping around singing and shouting like like this. I know that halfway across the world, someone might not even know that any of this exists or this idea and so forth. And so my question as a child was, well, what about the people for whom this isn't true? Where but I was told, no.
This is the truth. So anyone who doesn't have this truth, they're screwed, and I I couldn't make sense of that. So it set me on this journey of trying to make sense of what happens to people who don't believe this. Right? Because I'm told that if they don't believe this, that they're doomed.
And there's a part of me that, can't fully reconcile the belief, so I know I'm not doomed. Right? And I know that these people can't be doomed either. So how can I figure this out? How can I solve for this x, this equation?
And so when I got to college, I was first confronted with, like, opposite arguments to everything I had been indoctrinated in. So I took a course on religion and philosophy my freshman year. I went to an engineering school, where it was all about, you know, engineering, but there's a a big humanities component. And so, for me, going to college or all of my academic experience was, like, man, I wanna do what I'm interested in. So there's a course on religion and philosophy.
It might not meet my credit requirements, but I'm interested, so let me take it. And in that course, I remember having to, like, write an essay to, like, defend, my religion, essentially, everything I had grown up to believe. And I was, like, it was it was a struggle because I couldn't defend it. I was finding too many holes, or I was finding things that I couldn't defend with the conviction of the other defenders. And I couldn't deny the conviction of the other defenders either.
Right? The defenders of the faith. Let's call them that. I couldn't deny or take away their conviction because I felt the power of their conviction. Right?
So it's, like, okay. That's when I realized that conviction was the thing that I needed. And I was, like, oh, I don't have any conviction because my faith hasn't been validated. My faith hasn't gone through the fire. These people, they feel the way that they feel because they've gone through a transformation.
They've gone through a a conversion in their own life and in their own story that makes this true and undeniable. So what is that for me? And so it wasn't until I, like, I graduated college and I was now on my own where I wanted to, like, be free kinda. You know? Like, alright.
Let let me now finally indulge in everything I I couldn't indulge in before. And, that got me down the the making some mistakes. Right? I had a DUI, like, 6 months after I graduated college, and it was a very low point because I'd messed up. And I had, you know, I'd I was at it was just, like, a a bad thing.
Right? Like, I messed up big. And that mess up was didn't align with my identity. It didn't align with who Omari was or who, who he wanted to be or or who who people thought of him as even. But, it was also the result of him not being able to express himself, him not being able to surface emotion, and him not being able to be, convicted in himself.
And so alcohol being that intermediary, the spirit of you know, alcohol is a spirit. That being the thing that then opens him up, right, and allows him to speak and express himself, but it also being the thing that drowns him and drowns out his consciousness. So Oh, that's deep. So from that place, I decided that, there there were 2 archetypes that I had available to me. Right?
It was, like, I was 24, 25 years old, and I was, like, okay. Who do I wanna be? Right? Like, what what kind of man do I wanna be? Because, clearly, I don't know.
Like, I'm I'm I don't have I'm not anything yet. I'm just, I'm just floating around out here in a in a sea of, unknown and and and just questions unanswered. And so I can't, without any conviction, without any direction, without any North Star, I'm not going anywhere. Right? I'm not being anything.
And so because of my faith, I I grew up on the Bible and the Old Testament and the New Testament and, all of these stories, I was, like, okay. There might not be, like, a person alive who I who I wanna be like, because I I wasn't satisfied. I needed to go, like, outside the time. And so I was like, alright. Well, I like King Solomon because he was a very wise king, the wisest king in the bible, and the thing that he asked for was knowledge, wisdom, and understanding.
And, because he asked for that, he got everything else. So I was, like, okay. I wanna be like Solomon. And then I was, like, okay. And then you got Jesus.
And I was, like, well, I wanna be like Jesus too. So we got Solomon and Jesus. Jesus is in the lineage of of Solomon, so there's a there's, like, a genealogy alignment, but then Jesus represents the the forgiven spirit, the the spirit of love, and and and that essence of abundance. So and then Jesus also says, seek ye first the kingdom, and all other things shall be added unto you. So when you put those two equations in the balance of, seeking knowledge, wisdom, and understanding, and all other things being added onto Solomon, and Jesus saying, seek ye first the kingdom, and all other things are added, so then we get the kingdom equals knowledge, wisdom, and understanding.
Well, what does that mean? What is what do you what do you so that began my journey and my quest to the kingdom, which all of the paths lead to within. What does that mean? How does this work? What do you mean there's a kingdom within me?
What do you mean, that if that if I know this, I will have everything else? Yes. Oh, I wanna know it, though. Right? If if this truth has survived through time, if this equation, if you will, has made its way, through millennia to me, then I'm as a scientist, I'm gonna test it.
Right? I'm gonna gonna put it into play. I'm gonna activate it. And as a scientist, I'm gonna keep a log. I'm gonna keep a journal of my experiments and my tests so that when I know I know for sure, I know for true, I know it it's not a question anymore.
I've I've started with this hypothesis that if a man seeks after this, he will receive this, so I'm seeking. Right? And and that led me, down the mystical paths of Christianity first. So there's a lot of, mystical, I guess, schools, if you will, that are more, based in the metaphysical aspect of Christianity. And I really resonated with that a lot, where, understanding things at a metaphysical level made it make sense to me.
I was like, oh, I could reconcile the metaphors. Right? As a as a poet, as a artist, like, metaphors are have always been, like, a thing where it's, like, yeah. That's, you know I guess this. Yeah.
Yeah. So as soon as I I started to get my mind around, like, the metaphysical, that led me towards, then, I guess, you would say different branches. Right? So, different branches of mysticism. So, like, the Kabbalah, the I Ching on the eastern side, those two things primarily, I remember for a long time, I, it was like I was like, I gotta understand this.
And the I Ching is a, it's a, ancient, like, divination tool, but what it captures is it captures the changes of reality. So the different states, the many different states that that we evolve through and we go through on a moment by moment basis, it allows you to get, almost like a a reading on different state changes. And so I started to, I started to to use this as a tool and to keep track of, you know, all of my discoveries along the way. And over time, I just, you know, kept going down different rabbit holes, if you will, of all the different, spiritual traditions and faith because I was looking for the unifying factor. I was looking for the thing that transcended culture and transcended, personal identity and, something that I could access that I I could acknowledge these things with someone that, okay, there is a a transcendent principle that manifests in the form of culture.
It manifests through identity in different ways, in different times, and all sorts of of things. It's it's beautiful, but it all goes back to the same source, if you will, source of creation. Wow. Speechless. All I can say is I really appreciate you sharing your journey so vulnerably and sharing with us your different influences, and it gives more depths now to to this book, your money magnet.
And, it's a combination. Maybe maybe just a sliver of the combination of all your influences and your trans your own transformation and shift. So I really appreciate you sharing that. Omari. Mhmm.
What would be your final advice as we wrap up this conversation? Yeah. Give me one give me a final question. What is the thing that would wrap this up? What What would you say to somebody who, after listening to all of this, is now buzzing with ideas and inspiration and action?
Mhmm. What would you guide them to do? Well, well, first, they have to read the book too. Right? Because Yeah.
Absolutely. Where can they get this? Where can they get And your other books as well? Back backslash money.
And then, I don't know. By the time this comes out, maybe Brainwash and the Blood of Jesus will be ready. The Corporate Dropout, which is, another memoir that kinda unpacks the the journey from corporate to self employment, solopreneurship, and and, like, the whole passive income lifestyle that comes with what I once desired. So, yeah, it's all I've reached, like, a you know, you said you spent 10 years working on that photo book for your mom or just go so I've spent 10 years working on the Squarespace website to tell this story. So even if actually, if you go to now, the corporate job ad story is already, published.
Okay. And it's a digital memoir. But, you know, what do you I guess the real question is, like, well, what do you do with this inspiration once you have it? Right? Like, what direction does it go in?
That is is so this is why, right now, I have a a coaching and a mentorship program because it's always unique and specific to people. Right? And right now, I really wanna get to know what what the the common threads are. Right? So, like I shared, I know exactly what to do when you get stuck in terms of, like, I don't feel like things are happening for me.
And and, usually, it's an attention thing that needs to happen where the attention has to shift towards the outflow of value from you into the world. Right? For a moment, it might be on what you don't have enough of, but when you shift to okay, well, I have an inventory of x y z at my disposal. How can I get rid of this? You now activate a different flow.
Right? So, in terms of just becoming a money magnet, today, whatever it is that you have excess of, whatever it is that you have surplus of, give that, and you will see a return on that in your a return on demand for that. Right? And now your willingness and ability to respond to that demand gives that demand permission to grow. And now the demand knows, oh, okay.
We can demand more, and now you're in business. Now you're flowing. Now, the wheel is spinning again. And if it slows down, if it creaks or whatever, come back. I got the oil, and we'll and we'll get it going.
So inspiring and empowering because it's all it all comes back to, empowerment of our own self Mhmm. And credit to our own desires and and disentangling from relying on the outside world. Self reliance is a theme that comes out strongly from what you're sharing. So Oh, yeah. I didn't even share that that line of spiritual tradition that that comes from.
But, yeah, self reliance. Yes. That's what I'm picking up from from what you're saying. It's like you you know, it's, as you just said, like, you come back to yourself and see where is the surplus of, where can I give value from, and what do I have surplus of? It can be material things.
It can be ideas. It can be creativity. Mhmm. And to honor that, I think for me, my own problem is that I don't honor my own desires and gifts fully enough to the extent that I would like it. And I'm changing that, and the conversation is part of that.
Yep. So I'm very, very appreciative of this conversation. It's been Yeah. Amazing. I'm grateful as well.
Thank you so much for this conversation, for your time, Omari, Omariharaben.comforward/money, and I will also put all your links, in the description. We absolutely have to reconnect, if you would like that as well down the road and continue the conversation. Cool. Yeah. For sure.
Thank you. You're welcome.
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