Intention for Today: Create a Plan

In this morning's introspection practice, I looked at Debbie Ford's book, "The best year your life". Out of that came a plan for the next three months. After about an hour of doing the exercise of identifying my vision, creating two goals and laying out a page-long overview plan, I felt a surge of clarity and a strong alignment with my purpose.

Today, I set the intention for us creating a plan for our lives that helps us manifesting our dreams.

May we create:

A plan that is clear, specific and exciting.

A plan that helps us identify what is most important for us.

A plan that is dynamic and encouraging.

A plan that is flexible yet structured.

A plan that makes us want to get up in the morning and go for it.

A plan that is realistic and achievable and timed.

A plan that is fun and inspiring.

Thank you for Creating a Plan that empowers us to live our dreams.

Sophia Ojha

Web Design Services + ConvertKit Services + Biz Coaching for Web Designers + Weekly Blog & Video Tutorials

I (Sophia Ojha) am web designer and coach to web designers based in the Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina. I love to design websites for my clients via my Website-In-A-Day package or my Website-In-Two-Weeks package. I publish a weekly free newsletter called the Abundant Creative which includes blog articles and video tutorials on using Squarespace, ConvertKit and other online tools for online businesses. Also, I love teaching these platforms one-to-one to clients who can hire me for an hour for a quick crash-course on Squarespace or ConvertKit. I am also the founder of Millionaire Web Designer, a 12-month group coaching program that helps web designers build a successful and spacious web design business.

To ask me about any of these, drop me a line via: Contact page.
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Intention for Today: Ocean of Possibilities


Surely joy is the condition of life. -Henry David Thoreau