Sophia Ojha

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Intention for Today: Embrace

Embrace is the intention today.

Embracing what we love seems second nature. We can easily embrace and appreciate those characteristics that we love in ourselves. What about everything else? Well, the rest of our aspects, it seems, we adjust, tolerate, manage, ignore, abandon or remove. In some cases, we may accept those parts of us. But do we embrace them?

I wonder: What would it be like to embrace that aspect in us which we are annoyed, frustrated, angry or impatient with? Think about one thing about your ways of being or doing that you are impatient or upset with. See if you can embrace it a little. Think of it like a child who wants your attention. Give it that. Hug it. Comfort it. Love it. Embrace it. 

Perhaps, in embracing that which we reject, we transform.

Thank you Embrace for demonstrating the beauty of love.