Your Today Is The Result Of Your Yesterday
Written by Sophia / Abundance Through Imagination
I help you create abundance in your life using the law of assumption and Neville Goddard teachings.
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Don’t let the past be in your way.
Just because certain things happened a certain way in the past, that doesn’t mean it needs to happen that way again because you can change your mind. From your mind you create your tomorrow.
Your today is the result of your yesterday.
It is the mirror that’s showing you the results of your yestermind - a mind of yesterday. You look around and you will see some things in your present are good. Some are not pleasant. So let it be and get busy creating a new version of your new life in your mind.
Today’s reality is just a mirror of what you unknowingly and unconsciously created in the past.
Do leave the mirror alone. Let’s say you have a hat on or a dress on and you go check it out in the mirror. If you don’t like it, what do you do? You go and change the hat or the dress, right? You don’t go and break the mirror or change the mirror. In the very same way, go and change the mind. Go create a new scene in your mind about your day, your life, about every part of your life.
Practice it and see the life around you change. See your conversations, your reality, the people and even animals; see your entire life transform.
But it starts with your mind.
Don’t let what you see in the mirror throw you off. Change the vision in your mind and then see the mirror reflect that back to you.