Beginning is The First Step
Written by Sophia / Abundance Through Imagination
I help you create abundance in your life using the law of assumption and Neville Goddard teachings.
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Beginning is the first step. Taking that first step starts to shift things. With one small action you begin to carve out a new way of being.
Be happy that you had the courage to do something new and different than the old routine. Because that’s not an easy thing - to begin, to take the first step.
Now, carry on. Make this path your focus. Do what you know can be done. Don’t worry about all that you don’t know. You only need to take the right next step for this moment. And then the next moment and then the next moment and so on.
Just like going on a foggy road, you only need to see the road a few meters, a few yards ahead of you. It’s not necessary for you to see the whole path to your destination.
As long as you have the next few yards visible, make progress, keep forging ahead.
The only thing you need clearly is the vision of your most miraculous life in your mind. And keep that vision alive.
One way to do that is to make up a scene that implies that what you want has already happened. This is a method taught by Neville Goddard. And if you want to learn more check out the book, the Power of Awareness that Neville Goddard wrote.
So the scene can be made up of anything that means to you that your desire has come to fruition. So if you are dreaming of a car, then see yourself putting keys in the key hanger. If you are dreaming of a partner, see a closet where it’s your clothes and their clothes.
You don’t need much emotion for this scene.
Just see the people, things, and events clearly in your mind.