Life gets busy. We fill our days with activities. We say yes to this and that to be "nice" to others. Gradually, it becomes a habit and pretty soon we don't know even know clearly what we are working to create, what we want from life.

Enter Visualization.

In the Abundance Workshop, will guide you through a simple yet profound practice to get clear about what you truly want in your life. And I will walk you through a magical imaginative world where you will see your biggest dreams come true. 

I call these visualizations - visual journeys. We go on a visual journey to experience our heart's aspirations in the here and now. It's a wonderful way to relax your mind and body and a powerful way to imprint your mind on images of that which you want to create.

Photo by Karolina Kolacz

Photo by Karolina Kolacz

The Abundance Workshop - On-Demand

On-Demand Workshop | Two Video Recordings

This is a recording of a two-hour event that took place live via Zoom.

There are two sessions included in this workshop. In part one, I guide you through live visualizations so you can imprint on your mind the crystal clear images of the life you want to create. There is an introspection exercise that you will do to get those visuals images clearly written out. I will also share my technique that got me 95% of what I visualized manifest in my new home! It works.

Part One - Crafting the Vision - 45 min
We identify the different areas of your life where you want to create change. Then, you will do a journaling an exercise to get crystal clear clarity on what you want (see detailed instructions in the first 14 minutes of the video). Then, I will lead a visual journey to help you imprint that vision into your mind and you bring the feeling of how it is to experience the reality of that vision.

Break - 15 Minutes
Take a 15 minute break before doing part two. Get something to eat or drink, walk your dog, play with your cats or get some fresh air.

Part Two - Creating Space - 60 min

To add a new book to an already full bookshelf, we first need to create space. This session is about making room for the new by letting go of anything that is no longer serving you.

You can let go of old unresolved issues, pains and hurts. You can let go of beliefs and thought patterns that are doing you disservice. You can unburden yourself of things, projects and commitments that are unhealthy and detrimental to your highest fulfillment. Let’s remove the “weeds” and clear the earth to sow seeds for new opportunities, new relationships or a new way of being.

Homework Assignments

Along with the recording, you will also get 2 homework assignments to help you work through this practice for all different parts of your life. You can apply this method to your relationships, health, career and business, finances and home.

After you purchase, look out for a PDF document with details on how to access the recordings and supporting homework.

You will also get an automated email with the PDF that has the information on how to access the recording.